Another Trans Was Planning a Mass Shooting, 2 Schools Targeted

Another Trans Was Planning a Mass Shooting, 2 Schools Targeted

Another person that followed the trans lifestyle was planning a mass shooting.

Luckily it was prevented.

And we have Andrea Ye’s (born female) manifesto that shows her sick plans.

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Here’s some notable lines from it:

I want to kill a lot of people or it’s not worth it…

My ultimate goal would be to set the world record for the most amount of kills in a shooting…

If I have time, I’ll try to decapitate my victims with a knife to turn the injuries into deaths..

This Satanic trend of being trans, that’s recruiting the youth relentlessly, is violent to its core.

It’s a twisted ideology of frustration and dissatisfaction, that brews envy of those that don’t succumb to it and are living a normal

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