American Imam: All Jews Will be Killed by Muslims

American Imam: All Jews Will be Killed by Muslims

More of that co-existence (not to mention peace) that they are always beating us about the head with. Aren’t you tired of it? Aren’t you tired of the massive lies? The “islamophobia? Obscene and savage, all of it. How many millions have to die in the cause of Islam?

Imama: Alhajie Jallow: “We neglected the principle of support which is Jihad for the sake of Allah. The only way that we can stop [oppression] is to face the enemy the way they faced us. They face us with aggression, we should retaliate with aggression. Allah said in the Quran: ‘Fight in the path of Allah those who fight against you.’ [They] will fight, they will defend their religion, they will defend their land,

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