American Banking Giant Comes Under Fire, MAGA Boycott Inbound

American Banking Giant Comes Under Fire, MAGA Boycott Inbound

An American banking giant has come under fire after it was revealed that they de-banked a Trump ally and prominent conservative figure.

John Eastman, a former attorney for President Trump, unexpectedly and abruptly had his accounts terminated at both Bank of America and USAA. Daily Caller confirmed:

Bank of America alerted Eastman in September of 2023 that it would be closing his accounts, a letter obtained by the Daily Caller shows.

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Shortly thereafter, USAA notified Eastman in November that his two bank accounts with the company would be closed, a separate letter shows.

The de-banking of conservatives is nothing new and peaked during the height of the Covid years.

However, the disgusting practice has not yet seen its last days, and financial institutions continue to

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