Admission that Biden administration paused bomb transfers to Israel sparks outrage among Israel backers in Congress

Admission that Biden administration paused bomb transfers to Israel sparks outrage among Israel backers in Congress

THOUSANDS OF BOMBS ON HOLD: The reports first appeared over the weekend, when Axios quoted Israeli officials as saying that the United States had put on hold a shipment of ammunition to Israel. The Biden administration refused to confirm or deny the report for two days, while members of Congress grew increasingly frustrated.

“You and your administration have repeatedly abandoned Israel. Should you have unilaterally decided to divert aid to our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel, then you should come forward and defend this decision,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) said in a letter he fired off to President Joe Biden on Monday. “This recent diversion is just another example of your failure to support our allies and carry out your duties in fear

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