Actress Lori Loughlin on College Admissions Scandal: 'No One Is Perfect'

Actress Lori Loughlin on College Admissions Scandal: ‘No One Is Perfect’

Actress Lori Loughlin, who served two months in jail after pleading guilty in the infamous college admissions scandal, said “no one is perfect” in one of her first big interviews since the scandal broke in 2019.

“No one is perfect, we all make mistakes,” Loughlin told First For Women, before advising people to “let stuff go” for their “own health.”

“I was always told to let stuff go,” the Full House star said. “And I think for your own health, you have to let things go because you can’t hang on to negativity. Life’s too short.”

The actress added, “I try to be a forgiving person. I’m not one to hold onto stuff. Stuff happens to everyone. We’ve all been in positions to ask for forgiveness but to ask

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