Actor Russell Brand Announces He Will Be Baptized as a Christian on Sunday

Actor Russell Brand Announces He Will Be Baptized as a Christian on Sunday

Comedian and Hollywood actor Russell Brand announced Friday that he will be baptized as a Christian on Sunday.

“Baptism. This Sunday I’m taking the plunge! How was it for you?” Brand wrote on X (former Twitter).

Baptism (Getty Images)

In an accompanying video, Brand said he had heard baptism explained to him as “an opportunity to die and be reborn, an opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ’s name like it says in Galatians — that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person.”

The 48-year-old actor proposed that increasing numbers are turning back to Christianity as the empty value system of modernity crumbles and leaves them wanting more.

“I know a lot of people are

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