'Absolutely out of control on taxation': Biden and IRS are RAISING capital gains rate

‘Absolutely out of control on taxation’: Biden and IRS are RAISING capital gains rate

President Biden and the IRS just can’t get enough of taxing Americans.

The president is reportedly raising the capital gains rate to what some are calling the “highest formal federal capital gains,” with a budget proposal for fiscal year 2025, increasing the capital gain to 44.6%.

“Capital gains is after you’ve already paid income tax,” Pat Gray says, disturbed. “Now, you’ve invested some of what you paid tax on, and you’ve gained some more money which they’re taxing, and now they want to tax that at the same rate with this double tax, as you pay for income tax.”

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“These people suck in every way possible,” Keith Malinak adds.

Gray notes that it’s not just income tax. The federal government also

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