13-year-old student says she was attacked by adults on school bus and she was suspended for defending herself

13-year-old student says she was attacked by adults on school bus and she was suspended for defending herself

A 13-year-old girl says she was attacked by adults related to a bull at a Texas school, but the district decided to suspend the victim after she fought back.

The girl, who didn’t want to be identified, told KTVT-TV that she had heard rumors that a new girl at Bettye Myers Middle School in Denton wanted to fight with her.

She said she went to school officials, including a counselor and an assistant principal. She said they told her that they had spoken to the other girl, but it didn’t help the situation.

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She says that when she got on the school bus to go home, the girl attacked her. Then she realized the girl’s mother had also joined the fight when she called

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