West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Hollywood's October Surprises

West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Hollywood’s October Surprises

Instead of unconvincing appeals to faithless electors or conducting a Zoom choir of somewhat recognizable actors murdering a song from a favorite movie of yore, West Coast, Messed Coast’s™ Hollywood left is back to its old tricks and cueing up another in-kind donation for one candidate and an October Surprise for another. You’ll never guess which one. I kid. 


Plus, San Fran Nan, as Fox host Laura Ingraham affectionately calls her, has spilled the beans on the Democrats’ open border end game.

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Spoiler alert

Hollywood’s entry into the October Surprise sweepstakes is a hit piece on Donald Trump and we all know how shocking that revelation is. 

Happy Hump Day!

Do you know what the big “hump” Hollywood Sign sits on is called? pic.twitter.com/482rfTlRxw

— The Hollywood

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