University of Michigan Club Fair Explodes in Chaos as Pro-Hamas Protesters Broken Up by Police

University of Michigan Club Fair Explodes in Chaos as Pro-Hamas Protesters Broken Up by Police

It’s back to school at the University of Michigan and that means the “Festifall” celebration for returning students is on. Festifall is a two-day fair that allows students to reconnect and examine various clubs and organizations the school has to offer.


Also present at Festifall were about 50 pro-Hamas protesters. They didn’t have a permit but they held their little “die-in” anyway. “Die-ins” were silly when they first became popular 50 years ago during the Vietnam protests and they’re even sillier now.

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The cops gave them their three warnings and then moved in.

BREAKING: Arrests made at the University of Michigan after police mobilized to stop a pro-Palestine demonstration at The Diag during Festifall on campus

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) August 28, 2024

U of

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