Trump Derangement Syndrome CURED: Hollywood liberal admits he was WRONG

Trump Derangement Syndrome CURED: Hollywood liberal admits he was WRONG

While there is no official cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome, some of those afflicted with the disease are spontaneously healing themselves.

Whether it’s the thought of Comrade Kamala forcing price controls, the realization that the senile president of the United States has likely been vacationing on a beach the past three and a half years, or that inflation is quite literally out of control — no one can be sure.

But Hollywood actor Michael Rapaport is sure of one thing: that he was wrong.

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“I was the first in line talking s**t about Trump,” Rapaport told Sage Steele in an interview. “I was all day every day.”

“I didn’t like his mouth,” he continued. “It’s not appropriate. And I would say

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