Stories You May Have Missed This Week: The Race Gets Interesting

Stories You May Have Missed This Week: The Race Gets Interesting

The Democratic National Convention failed to give Kamala Harris the bounce she was hoping for, and the polls are slowly shifting back toward Trump. But the biggest news of the week was the announcement that Kamala Harris would do her first “interview” since becoming the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee.


TK here are the key stories from the past week.


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SHAME: How the DNC conned America to boost ratings on night four.

HISTORY: It’s definitely not on Kamala’s side.

BALLOT SHENANIGANS: Democracy is what helps the Democrats.

YOU BETCHA: Sarah Palin’s defamation suit against the NYT is back on.

LOUDER THAN WORDS: The Biden administration acts like Trump is going to win.

DENIED: Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan blocked again.

CHAOS IN THE KAMALA CAMP: Factions are butting

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