Shocking video shows tourist, 20, swept away by massive wave while posing for photo in Indonesia

Shocking video shows tourist, 20, swept away by massive wave while posing for photo in Indonesia

A 20-year-old man was swept away by a gigantic wave while posing for vacation photos – which was captured by his friends who stood by helplessly.

Roni Josua Simanjuntak was visiting the Indonesian coast with a group of friends on Sunday when he decided to try and get a picture of waves crashing along the craggy coast of Kedung Tumpang Beach in East Java, according to the Mirror.

Roni pictured in Indonesia on what would be a fatal holiday. Jam Press Vid

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The water was initially calm and some of Roni’s pals were swimming off the coast’s massive rocks. But the placid waters soon turned volatile.

Video posted to social media of the horrifying incident shows the moment Roni was enveloped by a massive wave

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