Route Sixty-Sick: EPA approves roads made from radioactive waste

Route Sixty-Sick: EPA approves roads made from radioactive waste

Meet America’s newest radioactive waste dump — your local highway.

At least, that seems to be the thinking behind the Environmental Protection Agency’s recent decision to approve a “pilot” program using phosphogypsum to build a Florida road.

Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays to form radon gas — which is also radioactive and cancer-causing. It’s odorless, tasteless, and deadly. Homebuyers typically ask for radon testing before purchase.

Now, this particular test road happens to be on private property — property owned by the company Mosaic Fertilizer LLC. As it happens, phosphogypsum is a radioactive waste product you get from making fertilizer. Naturally, a company like Mosaic has a lot of it. Hey — it’s got to go somewhere!

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What better place than just under the highways and byways crisscrossing

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