Peltola gets backing from group that called to ‘defund the police’ after asking for support

Peltola gets backing from group that called to ‘defund the police’ after asking for support

MoveOn, a Democratic-aligned group that claims to “advance a progressive agenda,” unveiled its slate of endorsements earlier this month for House races in November, listing several Democrats seeking to flip or hold on to swing seats.

Peltola has campaigned as a centrist as she faces a daunting reelection bid for Alaska’s at-large seat, which holds a partisan voting index of Republican +8, according to the Cook Political Report, and received an endorsement from the group. She is facing a challenge from Republican Nick Begich.

The group hails Peltola as having a “commitment to Alaska’s working families,” among other praises in its endorsement page. Peltola does not tout the group’s endorsement on her campaign’s website, but she applied for the endorsement, according to an email sent

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