New Study on Spanking Upends Decades of Liberal Hissy Fits About Spanking 'Damaging' Children

New Study on Spanking Upends Decades of Liberal Hissy Fits About Spanking ‘Damaging’ Children

If Dr. Benjamin Spock hadn’t been cremated, he’d be rolling over in his grave right now.

As many who were reared on the lefty pediatrician’s methods, or who perhaps have tried his best-selling book “Baby and Child Care,” will know, Spock was one of those who decried the spanking of children. According to The New York Times, in the 1985 edition of the book, he said that spanking taught “children that the larger, stronger person has the power to get his way whether or not he is in the right” and that the “American tradition of spanking” might cause violence.

“Indeed, most child-care experts today disapprove of physical punishment,” the Times reported in 1985.

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“Dr. John F. Knutson, a professor of psychiatry at the University

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