Leftist Wisconsin Senator Confuses ‘Coup’ With Will Of The People

Leftist Wisconsin Senator Confuses ‘Coup’ With Will Of The People

Well, the honeymoon is over. Accusing your political enemy of a coup tends to kill the mood. 

Before escaping in November with the narrowest victory of her long congressional career, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., seemed to be cozying up a bit with then- GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. Politics do make the strangest of bedfellows, and was there anything stranger than watching Wisconsin’s far-left junior senator, a very open and vocal lesbian and hero to the LGBTQ/DEI establishment, court “Trump-Tammy voters” by selling common ground on an America First program?

Desperate times called for desperate measures. Baldwin was slipping in the polls late in the campaign. She saw the writing on the wall, and the writing screamed that far-left candidates were generally out of fashion

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