It Looks Like Kamala Is About To Chicken Out of Debating Trump

It Looks Like Kamala Is About To Chicken Out of Debating Trump

It’s I’m definitely seeing signs that the upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on Tuesday, September 10, at 9 pm ET won’t happen. Why? Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey reported on Friday that the Harris campaign has not yet accepted the rules for the debate.


Trump campaign has accepted these rules, per Tuesday email to ABC reviewed by the Post. Kamala Harris’s campaign has not yet accepted these rules, as they seek to unmute the microphones for the entire debate. Debate is in less than two weeks.

— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) August 30, 2024

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According to the rules, the debate will feature no audience, with VIP hold rooms for immediate family and staff areas

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