If Elon Musk Wants to Be a Leader, He’s Gotta Stop Being a Whiny Little Baby

If Elon Musk Wants to Be a Leader, He’s Gotta Stop Being a Whiny Little Baby

I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure dyslexic dudes named Ned are statistically more likely to self-harm when they drive by a “Dead End” sign every day. (Subliminal advertising, you know.) So, if your name is Ned, buy your next home carefully.


Actually, it’s more myth than fact: Despite its popularity as a pop-culture concept, most studies on subliminal advertising are underwhelming. It doesn’t seem to ring registers or increase sales. 

Yet we stubbornly believe in it.

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That’s because the concept makes sense, even if the actual stats don’t reflect it. We know how we make decisions: It’s not always cut and dry, but a hodgepodge mix of facts, emotions, impulses, and desires. Sometimes, our emotions matter most; other times we’re highly analytical.

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