HILARIOUS: Alex Stein teaches infant about her white privilege

HILARIOUS: Alex Stein teaches infant about her white privilege

Teaching children that they’re innately immoral based on their skin color is never funny. Unless, of course, it’s a joke that Alex Stein of “Prime Time with Alex Stein” is making.

BlazeTV’s resident comedian drew laughter heard around the world — literally — when a bit of his making fun of critical race theorists landed on Sky News Australia.

“The left wants critical race theory shoved down children’s throats, from kindergarten onwards, to make sure they’re aware of their white privilege and victim hierarchies. But how soon is too soon to teach the young’uns about what awful racists they are?” Sky News host Rita Panahi asks.

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“Well, comic Alex Stein thinks it’s never too early,” she adds before playing the hilarious clip.

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