Hells Angels Riding Out To Confront Venezuelan Gangs In Colorado

Hells Angels Riding Out To Confront Venezuelan Gangs In Colorado

Now that’s a headline you don’t see everyday.

Looks like they’ve had enough of the illegal aliens.

Specifically the Venezuelan gangs that are taking over Colorado.

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And rather than sit by and wait for the government to step in, which they won’t, they decided to ride out and confront this problem.

This should be pretty interesting.

I wonder if the government will decide to intervene once the Hell’s Angels have dealt with the problem, and then label them as criminals.

You know, like they’re doing in the U.K. right now.

I just had to post!! The Hells Angels are on their way to Aurora Colorado!!! They are going there because of the Venezuelan Gangs 😃💯👊🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/D7VW5eyIcX

— Riverrat328 (@riverrat328) August 31, 2024

They’re coming!

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