Guardrails, not gatekeepers: Tucker’s Hitler talk crosses the line

Guardrails, not gatekeepers: Tucker’s Hitler talk crosses the line

Less than a month ago, I dedicated an entire segment of my show to make it clear that some moments or ideas, like anti-Semitism, are so vile that they must be confronted and addressed immediately. Failing to do so will undermine our side’s ability to win on any front, as the impact of associating with such ideas is deeply contaminating.

Although I’m used to disappointment — something every conservative learns quickly — I never expected to see “retconning Hitler” on my 2024 election bingo card of regrets. This discussion has now reached a level where even Tucker Carlson, perhaps the most influential voice in our movement since Rush Limbaugh’s passing, is engaging with it.

Even insurgencies need guardrails to avoid becoming what they

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