Germany's suicidal, rape-friendly immigration policy

Germany’s suicidal, rape-friendly immigration policy

If the decline of Ireland is a tragedy, what’s going on in Germany is equivalent to a piece of experimental theatre: difficult to fathom and even more difficult to explain.

It’s a darkly comic reflection of how a nation can fully embrace both the absurd and the profoundly unjust at the very same time. Once celebrated for its order and intellectual prowess, Germany now finds itself in a bizarre scenario where its responses to crime and dissent are nothing short of farcical.

‘Das Land der Dichter und Denker (the land of poets and thinkers) has become das Land der Narren und Schurken (the land of clowns and criminals).

The joke, however, is on the people of Germany. And no one is laughing. Well, almost no one.

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