Fact-Check: Kamala’s Embarrassing Inflation Lies

Fact-Check: Kamala’s Embarrassing Inflation Lies

VP Kamala Harris lied in her CNN promotional — I mean, interview. I know you’re stunned. As usual, Kamala was being deceptive about inflation and the economy.

Kamala proudly told CNN “we have inflation at under 3%.” Of course, inflation on some items went much higher, well into double digits, but the fact remains that this isn’t a “recovery”; Trump had inflation down to 1.4% when he left office.


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“Hundreds of people a day were dying because of COVID. The economy had crashed,” Harris exclaimed, as usual citing exaggerated Covid numbers. “In large part, all of that because of mismanagement by Donald Trump of that crisis. When we came in, our highest priority was to do what we could to rescue America. And

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