Direct democracy disaster: Soros’ dystopian agenda creeps into red states

Direct democracy disaster: Soros’ dystopian agenda creeps into red states

Forget about the presidential election — we can still fight back in some states if Kamala Harris wins. But if we don’t act to overturn the progressive ballot initiative process, where George Soros, his son Alexander, and their allies use a small percentage of the population to push poll-tested talking points as constitutional changes, we risk losing all 50 states to despotism.

Imagine voting yourself a pay raise through a ballot initiative. Imagine a process where just a small fraction of voters could gather signatures to create a constitutional right to handouts. Could you ever rally 51% to oppose such an idea, even in most red states?

Who wouldn’t want to tax wealthy companies for some free cash? This is the kind of ‘elective despotism’ our founders

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