Colorado Republican Goes Scorched Earth on Her Son's Teacher After He's Taught Da Vinci was 'Gender Fluid'

Colorado Republican Goes Scorched Earth on Her Son’s Teacher After He’s Taught Da Vinci was ‘Gender Fluid’

The old tale goes that, no matter what angle you look at the Mona Lisa from, its eyes will always be looking right at you.

Apparently, at one school district in Colorado, that lesson got a bit garbled. Instead, students are now being taught that no matter what angle you look at the Mona Lisa from, you can’t tell what gender he/she/they/xir really is.

I’ll say this much: Art history has gotten quite a bit more interesting in the past few decades.

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According to a social media thread by Colorado state Rep. Brandi Bradley, a Littleton Republican, her 15-year-old son was taught by their teacher “that Leonardo DaVinci was gender fluid and that the Mona Lisa was a depiction of his feminine side. WTAH?????


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