Christian pronoun hospitality: The hidden problem that leads to compromise

Christian pronoun hospitality: The hidden problem that leads to compromise

Should Christians engage in so-called gender pronoun hospitality?

Gender pronoun hospitality refers to the concept of using someone’s “preferred pronouns” or a trans-identifying person’s transgender name despite otherwise disagreeing with LGBTQ ideology.

God’s truth about human identity and sexuality trumps anything we internally perceive for ourselves.

The idea behind gender pronoun hospitality is that using preferred pronouns or a trans name when requested by LGBTQ-identifying people preserves a relationship with that person. Not to practice gender pronoun hospitality, its practitioners argue, risks offense and, ultimately, the potential destruction of relationship, which could be a barrier between LGBTQ-identifying people and the Gospel. Bible scholar Preston Sprinkle has even described pronoun hospitality as a “common courtesy.”

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But according to famed pastor John Piper, Christians should not engage in gender pronoun

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