Chinese communists reportedly 'frustrated' and 'perplexed' at communist Cuba's resistance to free market solutions

Chinese communists reportedly ‘frustrated’ and ‘perplexed’ at communist Cuba’s resistance to free market solutions

An economic collapse in the communist controlled economy of Cuba is straining its relations with communist China resulting in an unexpected report.

Cuba experienced a massive electrical blackout due to deteriorating infrastructure and damaging embargoes from the U.S., but rather than implement free market solutions, the communist government insists on failing with ideological purity.

‘The strained relationship is reflected in a precipitous drop of Chinese imports to Cuba, which went from $1.7 billion in 2017 to $1.1 billion.’

According to a report in the Financial Times, Chinese officials are exasperated with their Caribbean island compatriots. They cite economists and diplomats briefed in the situation between China and Cuba.

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The sources said that China publicly supported Cuba’s vertically planned economy, but in private, Chinese officials have

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