CBS 60 Minutes Promotes End to Free Speech, Blames Holocaust on Free Speech

CBS 60 Minutes Promotes End to Free Speech, Blames Holocaust on Free Speech

The US media is no longer couching and obfuscating it’s support of censorship, it is cheer-leading it for it.
Last night, 60 Minutes worked to soften people to the idea of government censorship and criminalizing speech going so far as to blame the Holocaust on free speech.

CBs’s Margaret Brennan said that free speech caused Hitler to gas 6,000,000 Jews.

Later on in the evening, 60 Mins produced a piece praising the current German government’s censorship policies and promoted the concept of arresting people for “hate speech”.

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Recent events in Germany highlight the tension between freedom of speech and legal restrictions on certain online expressions. A notable case involved Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, a member of the AfD party, who

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