Catholics Believe You Are Not Saved

Catholics Believe You Are Not Saved

Happy Sunday folks!

Catholics believe you are not saved….

….at least, that is, if you’re a non-Catholic Christian.

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To put that into context, there are an estimated 2.3 billion Christians on Earth right now, and 55-60% are estimated to be Catholic, with 40-45% being non-Catholic (Protestant, etc.).

So call it roughy 1 billion people who are Christians but not Catholic.

And the Catholic Church believes and teaches you are not saved.

That’s not my opinion, that’s something I’m learning from the Catholics!  Crazy stuff, I had no idea this is what they believed or taught, but it seems to be the case.

Perhaps I should back up and explain a little bit…..


And I’ll start with a disclaimer: I have nothing against the

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