Carney on 'The Bottom Line': Biden-Harris Inflation Devastated Union Wages

Carney on ‘The Bottom Line’: Biden-Harris Inflation Devastated Union Wages

Breitbart News economics editor John Carney said Wednesday on Fox Business Network’s “The Bottom Line” under the Biden-Harris administration, union members saw their wages devastated by inflation.

Co-host Sean Duffy said, “You see unions, maybe they don’t endorse, or they endorse Trump, but they’re moving away from the Democrat Party. It fits hand-in-glove with the tariff conversation that Donald Trump’s been having with the media and with the American people. I think these workers believe that if you protect the American worker or at least give us fairer trade with the rest of the world, we’re winners as the American worker, which is why they’re supporting Trump and not Harris. Am I wrong?”

Carney said, “No, that’s absolutely right. Look, they know that Donald Trump is

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