Blaze News original: 10 times concealed carriers in Chicago stopped crooks in their tracks in the last year

Blaze News original: 10 times concealed carriers in Chicago stopped crooks in their tracks in the last year

Chicago is known, pretty much like all big cities, for violent crime. It’s also known for strict laws regarding gun ownership.

But according to a June WTTW-TV explanatory piece, most of Chicago’s gun laws flow from Illinois. The station said that in order to buy and own a gun in the state, one must have a Firearm Owner’s Identification card. To get a FOID card, one must be at least 21 years old and never have been convicted of a felony, the station added. What’s more, in order to carry a gun in public in Illinois, one must possess a concealed-carry license, WTTW said, adding that completion of a training course is necessary to acquire a CCL.

The clerk behind the register complied with the teen’s demands,

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