Blaze News investigates: 10 years after the Sony Pictures breach, we still don’t have any details about North Korean hackers

Blaze News investigates: 10 years after the Sony Pictures breach, we still don’t have any details about North Korean hackers

The tenth anniversary of the Sony Pictures hack, which was centered around the Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy “The Interview,” has come around.

In the film, Rogen and Franco team up to interview North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to save their dwindling television careers.

The movie’s plot was allegedly so egregious in the eyes of the DPRK dictator that North Korean hackers breached the servers of Sony Pictures, releasing massive data dumps that included troves of emails from Sony executives like CEO Michael Lynton and co-chairman Amy Pascal.

‘Typically, it’s the IT staff you have to worry about.’

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It took just four days after the November 24, 2014, hack for the first report, published by Re/code, to attribute the

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